What Does 'Binary File' Mean?

What is a Binary File?
Photo by Daniel Lanner on Unsplash

A binary file is a type of computer file that contains data in a binary format, which is a series of bits that represent machine-readable instructions and data. In other words, it is a file that contains information that is not meant to be read by humans but rather by computers.

Binary files are typically used to store and transfer information that needs to be interpreted or executed by a computer. For example, a binary file could be a compiled computer program, a digital image, or a video file.

A distinct characteristic of a binary file is that it is not human-readable. Unlike a text file, which is made up of characters that can be read and understood by humans, a binary file is made up of a series of ones and zeros that are not easily understandable by humans. This is because binary files are meant to be interpreted and executed by computers, not humans.

Binary file types

There are many different types of binary files, and each type has a specific purpose. Some common types of binary files include:

  • Executable files: These are binary files that contain machine code that can be executed by a computer. Executable files typically have the extension “.exe” on Windows systems and “.app” on macOS systems.
  • Image files: These are binary files that contain digital images, such as “.jpg,” “.png,” and “.gif” files.
  • Video files: These are binary files that contain video data, such as “.mp4”, “.mov,” and “.avi” files.
  • Audio files: These are binary files that contain audio data, such as “.mp3” and “.wav” files.
  • Data files: These are binary files that contain data that can be used by other programs, such as “.docx” and “.xlsx” files.

How a binary file is created

Binary files are usually created and edited using specialized software programs. For example, a programmer might use a text editor to write the source code for a computer program and then use a compiler to convert the source code into a binary file that can be executed by a computer.

Similarly, an artist might use image editing software to create a digital image, which is then saved as a binary file.

Sharing binary files

Binary files can be transferred between computers using various methods, such as email, file-sharing websites, or removable storage devices like USB drives. When a binary file is transferred from one computer to another, it is typically done in its raw form, without any modification. This ensures that the file remains unchanged and can be used by the receiving computer as intended.


There are some limitations to using binary files. One of the main limitations is that they are not easily readable or editable by humans. This can make it difficult to troubleshoot problems or make changes to a binary file without the appropriate software tools.

Additionally, binary files are often proprietary and can only be accessed and modified using specific software programs, which can be expensive or difficult to obtain.


Is “.exe” a binary file?

Yes, “.exe” is a binary file. It is an executable file, which means that it contains a program that is ready to be run on a computer. When you double-click an “.exe” file, your operating system will launch the program contained in the file. Binary files are composed of binary data, which is a series of 1s and 0s that a computer can interpret as instructions or data.

Are PDF files binary?

PDF (Portable Document Format) files can contain both binary data and text. A PDF file is a type of file that is designed to be read and displayed on any device, regardless of the platform or software it is being viewed on. A PDF file can contain a variety of content, including text, images, and other types of data. The structure of a PDF file is defined by the PDF specification, which is maintained by Adobe. PDF files are often used to share documents that need to be printed or viewed in a specific layout, as they can preserve the formatting of the original document.

Are all computer files binary?

Most computer files are binary files. A binary file is a type of file that is composed of a series of 1s and 0s, which are interpreted by a computer as a series of instructions or data. Binary files can include any type of file, including text files, image files, audio files, and video files.

There are also a few types of files that are not binary. For example, plain text files are not binary files because they are composed only of text and do not contain any executable instructions or data in binary form. HTML files (used to create web pages) and XML files (used to store and transmit data) are also not binary files, as they are written in plain text and do not contain any executable instructions.


Binary files are computer files that contain data in a form that is not easily readable by humans. They are often used to store and transfer information that a computer needs to interpret or execute. These files are created and edited using specialized software.