What Does 'DLL (Dynamic Link Library)' Mean?

What is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library)?
Image by bublikhaus on Freepik

A DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file is a type of file that contains a set of instructions or functions that can be called upon by other programs. Most of the time, these files are used to add new features to an existing program or to share code between multiple programs.

DLL files are different from executable files (EXE) in that they do not have a main function or entry point. Instead, they are loaded into the memory of a program when it is running, and their functions are called as needed. This allows for more efficient use of memory and resources, as multiple programs can use the same DLL file rather than each program having to include its own copy of the code.

DLL files are commonly used in Windows operating systems but can also be found in other operating systems such as Linux and macOS. They typically have the file extension “.dll,” but may also have other extensions such as “.ocx” (for ActiveX controls) or “.drv” (for device drivers).

Some examples of common DLL files include the following:

  • Kernel32.dll: This file contains a set of functions that are used by the Windows operating system to perform various tasks, such as memory management and process management.
  • User32.dll: This file contains a set of functions that are used by Windows to handle user input, such as mouse and keyboard events.
  • Gdi32.dll: This file contains a set of functions that are used by Windows to handle graphics and drawing operations.

DLL files can also be created by developers to provide additional functionality to their own programs. These custom DLL files can be distributed with the program or separately as a library that can be used by other programs.

It’s worth noting that DLL files can be used for malicious purposes, such as malware infections. This is why it’s important to only download DLL files from reputable sources and to keep your operating system and anti-virus software up to date.


What is a DLL file?

A DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file is a type of file that contains code and data that can be used by multiple programs at the same time. DLLs are similar to executable files (EXE), but they cannot be run on their own.

How do I open a DLL file?

You cannot open a DLL file directly, as it is not an executable file. But you can view the contents of a DLL file by using a program like Dependency Walker or a hex editor.

Why do I have a missing DLL file error?

A missing DLL file error occurs when a program is unable to find the DLL file it needs to run. This can happen if the DLL file is missing or if the program is looking for the wrong version of the DLL file.

How do I fix a missing DLL file error?

To fix a missing DLL file error, you can try the following:

  • Run a virus scan to make sure that the DLL file is not being deleted or blocked by malware.
  • Restore the DLL file from a backup.
  • Download the DLL file from a reputable source and place it in the correct location.
  • Reinstall the program that is causing the problem.

Can I delete DLL files?

It is generally not recommended to delete DLL files as they may be used by multiple programs on your computer. Deleting a DLL file can cause errors or crashes in any program that relies on it.

However, if you are sure that the DLL file is not needed, you can delete it. Keep in mind that it is always recommended to make a backup of the DLL file before deleting it, in case you need to restore it later. Furthermore, it’s always a good idea to consult with experts or read more information before removing any system files.


In conclusion, DLL files are a critical type of file that allows for the sharing of common code among multiple programs and extending the functionality of existing programs. They are commonly used in Windows operating systems but can also be found in other operating systems. Care should be taken when downloading or using DLL files, as they can also be used for malicious purposes.