What Does 'Favicon' Mean?

What is a Favicon?
Photo by Iyus Sugiharto on Unsplash

A favicon, also known as a favicon.ico, is a small icon that appears in the browser tab or address bar of a web browser. Favicons are used to help users quickly identify the website they are visiting, and they can also be used to give a website a more professional and polished appearance.

Favicons are usually 16x16 pixels in size and are saved as an “.ico” file, which is a special type of image file format specifically designed for use as favicons. The favicon is usually placed in the root directory of a website, and it can be easily added to a website by including a link to the favicon in the HTML code of the website.

To add a favicon to a website, you can use the following code in the head section of the website’s HTML:

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

If you want to use a favicon that is a different size or file type, you can specify that in the link tag. For example, you could use a “.png” file instead of a “.ico” file by changing the type attribute to “image/png”.

Favicons are an important part of website design and can help establish a strong brand identity for a website. They are also useful for helping users quickly identify and return to a website that they have previously visited.

A favicon is a small but important detail that can help to make a website stand out and be more easily recognized by users.

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In addition to appearing in the browser tab or address bar, favicons may also be displayed in other areas of the browser, such as the bookmark menu or the history list. This can make it even easier for users to quickly find and return to a website that they have previously visited.

Favicons can be created in a variety of image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. It is important to keep in mind that favicons are small in size and are displayed in low resolution, so they should be designed with simplicity in mind. Complex images or text may not display well at such a small size.

It is also a good idea to create a favicon that is consistent with the overall design and branding of a website. This will give the website a more harmonious look and make it easier for people to remember.

Besides the traditional “.ico” file format, favicons can also be created in other file formats, such as “.png,” “.gif,” or “.jpg.” These file formats may be used if the website is being viewed on a device that does not support the “.ico” format, or if the website owner wants to use a favicon that is a different size or shape.

Some modern web browsers also support the use of animated favicons, which can add an extra touch of personality and uniqueness to a website. But you should be careful when using animated favicons, because they can be annoying or distracting to some users.