What Does 'Meme' Mean?

What is a Meme?
Photo by Eduard Delputte on Unsplash

A meme is a piece of information, idea, or behavior that spreads from person to person within a culture. The term was coined by Richard Dawkins, a British evolutionary biologist, in his 1976 book “The Selfish Gene.” In the book, Dawkins describes how ideas, behaviors, and cultural phenomena can extend and develop in a way that is analogous to the way genes spread and evolve in a population of organisms.

The term “meme” has since been adopted and adapted by the internet and social media, where it is often used to refer to a piece of content, such as a picture, video, or phrase, that is shared widely and frequently on the internet. Memes can take many forms, including photographs, videos, GIFs, and text-based jokes or phrases.

Memes are often created with the intention of being funny, but they can also be used to convey political or social commentary or simply to convey a message or idea. Many memes are created with the intention of going “viral,” which means that they are shared widely and quickly across the internet.

The concept of a “meme” has been the subject of much discussion and debate among scientists, sociologists, and cultural critics. Some have argued that memes are a fundamental unit of cultural evolution, while others have argued that the concept of a meme is too broad and poorly defined to be useful.

Regardless of the debate surrounding the concept, it is clear that memes have had a significant impact on internet culture and have played a significant role in shaping the way that people communicate and share ideas online.

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Memes can spread in a variety of ways, including through social media platforms, messaging apps, and email. They can also spread through more traditional forms of media, such as television or print.

One of the defining characteristics of a meme is that it is often modified and adapted as it spreads from person to person. This can involve altering the text, adding new images or graphics, or changing the context in which the meme is used. This process of modification and adaptation is known as “meme mutation,” and it is an important part of the way that memes evolve and spread within a culture.

In addition to being shared and modified, memes can also be “remixed” or combined with other memes to create new ones. This process is known as “meme synthesis,” and it is another important way that memes evolve and become more and more famous.

While the internet and social media have played a significant role in the popularization of memes, they are by no means the only means of transmission. Memes have been around for much longer than the internet, and they have been passed around through other means, such as word of mouth, throughout human history.

Despite their popularity and cultural impact, memes have also been the subject of criticism and controversy. Some have argued that memes can be used to spread misinformation or promote harmful or offensive ideologies. Others have argued that memes can be a form of cultural appropriation or that they contribute to the oversimplification or trivialization of complex issues.

Memes are a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that have had a significant impact on internet culture and communication. Whether one views them as a force for good or for ill, it is clear that memes are here to stay and will continue to shape the way that people communicate and share ideas online.