What Does 'VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service)' Mean?

What is VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service)?
Image by Jonathan on Unsplash

A Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) is a type of network service that makes possible the creation of a virtual private local area network (LAN) over a shared public infrastructure, such as the internet. VPLS uses a technique called MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) to create a secure, point-to-point connection between multiple sites, allowing for the sharing of resources and the creation of a virtual LAN.

This enables greater flexibility and cost savings compared to traditional LANs, as it eliminates the need for dedicated leased lines or private WAN connections. Additionally, VPLS facilitates the interconnection of multiple LANs, regardless of their geographic location, making it a useful solution for companies with multiple branch offices or remote workers.


In addition to the benefits I previously mentioned, VPLS has several other advantages. One of these is the ability to support multiple protocols and technologies. This means that VPLS can connect devices and networks using different protocols, such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and ATM, regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

Another benefit is the ability to provide Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. VPLS uses MPLS to label packets and provide priority to certain types of traffic, such as voice or video, ensuring that they are delivered with minimal delay and minimal loss. This is particularly useful for organizations that rely on real-time applications, such as VoIP or video conferencing.

Another benefit of VPLS is that it can be used to create a virtual private network (VPN) over the public internet, allowing remote users to securely access the company’s LAN as if they were connected directly to it. This gives organizations the ability to securely connect remote workers, branch offices, and mobile users to the main office while also making it possible for them to share resources and collaborate more easily.

VPLS also has the ability to provide a high level of security, as it uses MPLS to encrypt data at the packet level, making it difficult for attackers to intercept or modify the traffic. Along with that, VPLS can also be integrated with other security measures, such as firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems, to provide an additional layer of security.

In summary, Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) is a powerful network service that provides organizations with the capacity to create a virtual LAN over a shared public infrastructure, providing a cost-effective and flexible solution for connecting multiple sites, remote workers, and branch offices. It also provides Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, security, and support for multiple protocols and technologies.


What is VPLS, and how does it work?

Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) is a type of VPN that allows for the creation of a virtual private network (VPN) across a public or shared infrastructure, such as the internet. VPLS uses MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) technology to create a virtual private network that emulates the behavior of a local area network (LAN).

How does VPLS differ from other VPN solutions such as MPLS VPN or IP VPN?

VPLS differs from other VPN solutions such as MPLS VPN or IP VPN in that it uses MPLS to emulate the behavior of a LAN, while MPLS VPN and IP VPN typically use IP-based protocols to create a VPN. VPLS also allows for the creation of a single virtual LAN across multiple sites, while MPLS VPN and IP VPN usually create separate VPNs for each site.

How does VPLS provide security for the network and its data?

VPLS provides security for the network and its data by using MPLS-based protocols to encrypt data and authenticate users. It also uses VLANs to segment the network and control access to network resources.

How does VPLS handle Quality of Service (QoS) for different types of network traffic?

VPLS handles Quality of Service (QoS) for different types of network traffic by using MPLS to assign priorities to different types of traffic, such as voice and video. VPLS can also use traffic shaping and other techniques to ensure that critical traffic receives priority over less critical traffic.

How can VPLS be used to connect remote workers and branch offices to the main office?

VPLS can be used to connect remote workers and branch offices to the main office by creating a virtual LAN that spans multiple sites. This allows remote workers and branch office employees to access network resources as if they were connected to the main office LAN.

What are the benefits and limitations of using VPLS?

The benefits of using VPLS include the ability to create a virtual LAN that spans multiple sites, improved security, and improved QoS for different types of network traffic. The limitations of VPLS include the need for a dedicated MPLS infrastructure and the potential for increased complexity in network design and management.

How can I implement VPLS in my organization?

To implement VPLS in an organization, a dedicated MPLS infrastructure is required. The organization will also need to work with a provider or vendor to design and implement the VPLS solution.

How can I ensure that my VPLS is scalable and can handle increasing traffic and the number of users?

To ensure that a VPLS is scalable and can handle increasing traffic and the number of users, organizations can take several steps:

  • Regularly monitoring network traffic and usage to identify and anticipate increases in demand.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the VPLS design, including the number of VLANs and the capacity of the MPLS infrastructure.
  • Using load-balancing and redundancy strategies to distribute traffic across multiple VPLS connections or multiple paths.
  • Regularly testing and stress-testing the VPLS helps identify and address any potential bottlenecks or performance issues.
  • Keeping network equipment updated with the latest firmware and software releases will improve performance and scalability.
  • Utilizing network management and monitoring tools to keep track of network performance and identify potential issues.
  • Continuously evaluating and adjusting capacity and infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the organization.
  • Considering using cloud-based VPLS solutions that can scale up or down as needed and can be managed by a service provider.

Can VPLS be integrated with other network security solutions such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems?

VPLS can be integrated with other network security solutions such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems by placing these security devices at strategic points in the network, such as at the edge of the VPLS.

How can VPLS be used to connect networks that use different protocols and technologies?

VPLS can be used to connect networks that use different protocols and technologies by using MPLS to create a virtual LAN that spans multiple sites. This allows devices using different protocols and technologies to communicate as if they were on the same LAN.