What Does 'Compressed File' Mean?

What is a Compressed File?
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

A compressed file is a type of data file that has had its size reduced through a process known as data compression. The goal of data compression is to reduce the amount of space required to store or transmit a file while still maintaining the integrity of the original data.

There are several different algorithms and methods that can be used to compress a file, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common type of compression algorithm is called lossless compression, which reduces the size of a file without losing any of the original data. Lossless compression is used for file formats such as PNG, GIF, and PDF, which need to keep the same data as the original file.

Another type of compression algorithm is called lossy compression, which reduces the size of a file by removing some of the original data. Lossy compression is used for file formats like JPEG and MP3, which are able to tolerate a certain amount of data loss. Lossy compression algorithms work by removing redundant or insignificant data while preserving the important data that makes up the file.

Lossless compression algorithms

One of the most popular lossless compression algorithms is called “deflate,” which is used in the ZIP file format. Deflate uses a combination of Huffman coding and LZ77 compression to reduce the size of a file.

Huffman coding works by assigning shorter code words to the more frequently occurring data and longer code words to the less frequently occurring data. LZ77 compression works by replacing repeated patterns of data with a pointer to the previous instance of the data.

Another popular lossless compression algorithm is called “gzip,” which is similar to deflate but also includes some additional features. Gzip is typically used to compress files that are being transmitted over the internet, such as text and HTML files.

There are also a variety of other compression algorithms and methods that are used for specific types of files. For example, the DEFLATE algorithm used by gzip uses a combination of the LZ77 and Huffman algorithms.

Lossy compression algorithms

In addition to lossless compression algorithms, there are also lossy compression algorithms, among them JPEG and MP3, that are widely used for image and audio files, respectively.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) uses a technique called Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to remove unnecessary information from images. DCT compresses an image by analyzing it for redundant data and then removing that data without affecting the overall quality of the image.

MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III) uses a technique called psychoacoustic modeling to remove unnecessary information from audio files. Psychoacoustic modeling works by removing parts of the audio signal that are inaudible to the human ear while preserving the important parts of the signal that make up the sound.

Other compression methods

One of the most basic forms of file compression is called run-length encoding. This method works by identifying consecutive runs of identical data and then replacing them with a single instance of the data, along with a count of how many times it occurs.

For example, the sequence “AAAAABBBCCCCC” would be compressed to “5A3B6C.” This method is effective for files that contain a lot of repeating data, such as images with large areas of a single color.

Another common form of compression is called Huffman coding. This method works by assigning shorter bit strings to data that appears more frequently in the file and longer bit strings to data that appears less frequently. For example, in a file that contains mostly lowercase letters, the letter “e” might be assigned the bit string “00,” while a less common letter like “z” might be assigned the bit string “111.”

Huffman coding is particularly effective for compressing text files since it can take advantage of the fact that some letters and words appear more frequently than others.

A more advanced method of compression is called LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) compression. This method works by replacing repeating patterns of data with a reference to the first instance of that pattern.

For example, the text “The cat in the hat” might be compressed to “The cat [2] the hat,” with the number in square brackets indicating that the pattern “in the” has been replaced with a reference to its first occurrence earlier in the text. LZW compression is particularly effective for compressing large text files and executable files.

Software used to compress and decompress files

There are several software programs that are commonly used to compress and decompress files, and some of the most popular include WinRAR, WinZip, and 7-Zip.

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager that supports a wide range of file formats, including RAR, ZIP, and CAB. It is a commercial software, but a trial version is available for free. It offers advanced features such as strong encryption, error recovery, and the ability to create self-extracting archives. It also allows you to split large files into smaller volumes, making them easier to transfer or backup.

WinZip is another widely used file compression software, and like WinRAR, it supports a lot of file formats like ZIP, RAR, and CAB. It is a commercial software, but it provides a free trial version. WinZip has a user-friendly interface and has features such as built-in file encryption, the ability to create password-protected archives, and the ability to open files in other common formats, for example, PDF, JPG, and MP3.

7-Zip is a free and open-source file archiver that supports many file formats, including 7z, ZIP, RAR, and GZIP. It has a high compression ratio and supports both command-line and graphical user interfaces. 7-Zip also has a plugin for FAR Manager, which is a popular file manager for the Windows platform.

Other commonly used file compression software programs include IZArc, PeaZip, and Universal Extractor. Each of these programs offers a unique set of features, so it’s important to consider your specific needs when choosing which one to use.


Compressed files are incredibly important in today’s world where storage and bandwidth are limited. Compressing files before transferring them over the internet can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to download or upload them.

Additionally, compressed files take up less space on your hard drive or other storage media, which can be particularly useful if you have limited storage space or a lot of large files.

While compressed files have many advantages, it’s good to be aware of the potential downsides as well. For example, compressed files take longer to open than uncompressed files because the data needs to be decompressed before it can be used.

Compressed files can also be more difficult to work with because they are in a proprietary format that may not be compatible with all software programs.