What Does 'Run-length Encoding' Mean?

What is Run-length Encoding?
Photo by Tyler Easton on Unsplash

Run-length encoding is a simple method of compressing data by identifying and replacing repeated sequences of identical data with a single instance of that data, along with a count of how many times it appears in the original file. It is an example of lossless compression.

How does it work?

The basic idea behind run-length encoding is to find runs of repeated data and then replace those runs with a shorter representation. For example, if a file contains the sequence “AAAAAABBBBBB,” the run-length encoded version would be “6A6B.” This results in a reduction in the file size by a factor of 2.


Run-length encoding can be used to compress a variety of file formats, including text, images, and audio. For example, in image compression, run-length encoding can be used to compress images that contain large areas of solid color or a repeating pattern.

In text compression, run-length encoding can be used to compress text files that contain long sequences of repeated words or phrases. An example of this is the repetition of white spaces in the text, so that the text can be reconstructed after the compression.

It is also possible to combine run-length encoding with other compression algorithms, such as Huffman coding or LZ77 compression, to achieve even greater compression ratios.


Here are a few examples to help illustrate how run-length encoding works:

Text Compression: Consider a text file that contains the following sentence repeated multiple times: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Using run-length encoding, this repeated sentence could be compressed to “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog x50,” where x50 indicates that the sentence appears 50 times in the original text file.

Image Compression: Consider an image that contains a large area of solid color. By representing the sizable area of solid color with a single color code and a count of how many pixels of that color there are in the image, run-length encoding allows for the compression of the image.

Audio Compression: Consider a recording of a steady tone that lasts for a minute. Using run-length encoding, the audio can be compressed by representing the steady tone with a single frequency code and a count of how many seconds the tone lasts.

Error Correction: Some encoding methods use RLE to encode errors in transmission; in that case, a sequence of repeated errors can be encoded in a shorter form, which the receiver would be able to decode and correct.


While run-length encoding is a very simple method of compression, it is not always the most effective. It is particularly efficient at compressing files that have long stretches of repetitive data; it may not be as effective at compressing files that have a limited amount of repetition.

Additionally, the compressed files generated with run-length encoding can be difficult to work with as they are in a proprietary format and may not be compatible with all software programs. But run-length encoding is a straightforward method of compression that is suitable for specific use cases. It can also be combined with other algorithms to enhance compression.